Meeting & Event
Geology Room
125.4 - 253.44 Sqm.

Geology Room

Room name: Geology Room A

Area (m2): 125.40 Sqm. (9.5m x 13.2m.)

Ceiling height (m): 2.8m

Classroom: 87 pax

Theatre: 96 pax

U-shape: 30 pax

Dining: 70 pax

Cocktail: 90 pax

Room Name: Geology Room B

Area (m2): 128.04 Sqm. (9.7m x 13.2m.)

Ceiling height (m): 2.8m

Classroom: 96 pax

Theatre: 120 pax

U-shape: 38 pax

Dining: 90 pax

Cocktail: 110 pax

Room Name: Zoology Room A+B

Area (m2): 253.44 Sqm. (13.2m x 19.2m.)

Ceiling height (m): 2.8m

Classroom: 200 pax

Theatre: 232 pax

U-shape: 54 pax

Dining: 180 pax

Cocktail: 220 pax

Size125.40 Sqm.
Room size9.5 x 13.2m.
Height2.8 m.
Theater96 pax
Classroom87 pax
U Shape30 pax
Round Table70 pax
Cocktail90 pax

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